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Jun 2018
  • Letter regarding Proper Use of Suitable Safety helmet with chin strap on Construction Sites 有關「建築地盤內



    Dear member,


    We forward the following email regarding the above subject from LD for your information.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

            Please be informed that the revised Guidance Notes on the Selection, Use and Maintenance of Safety Helmets (“GN”) has just been published in June 2018.  While hard copies of the revised GN are available free of charge at divisional offices of the Occupational Safety and Health Branch of the Labour Department (“LD”), the soft copy can be downloaded from LD's webpages via this hyperlink: http://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/public/content2_8d.htm. 

    2.        Attached please find a copy of the advisory letter to construction contractors regarding proper use of suitable safety helmet with chin strap on construction sites for your reference. Please disseminate the information as appropriate. 

    3.        Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at 2852 4067. 

    Yours faithfully, 

    WONG Tat-foo 
    for Commissioner for Labour 



    2.        隨此電郵附上致建築地盤承建商有關「建築地盤內須正確使用備有帽帶的適當安全帽」的信件以供參考。 並請向相關的人士傳遞信中的資訊。 

    3.        如有查詢,請致電2852 4067 與本人聯絡。 

    黄達富    代行)

  • FW: CPD Seminar for Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work in a Hot Weather by HKISA on 22/6/2018 Shing J



    Dear member,


    We forward the following email from HKFOSHA regarding the subject seminar for your information.

    HKFOSHA Correspondence


    Dear Presidents / Chairmen,


    The Secretariat has received the following seminar information from HKISA. Please disseminated the seminar information to members of your organziation for their attention.


    CPD Seminar for Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work in a Hot Weather


    CPD Seminar for Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work in a Hot Weather


    Date: 22 June 2018 (Fri)

    Time: 0700 pm – 0900 pm, (Registration starts at 6:30pm)

    Venue: Room U202 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon


    Content: Summer days in Hong Kong are hot and humid in general (especially on a construction site). In this seminar, speaker will share some appropriate measures that should be taken by employers and employees to prevent heat stroke when working in a hot environmental.


    Organiser: Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA)


    Co-Organiser: Industrial Centre – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (IC)


    Speaker Mr. Mok Wai Sang, First Aid Lecturer of Red Cross


    Medium: Cantonese with English terminology


    Certificate: Attendance Certificate with 2 CPD hours will be granted after the completion of seminar.


    Fee : Free Admission (Non-HKISA members are also welcome to attend subject to the seats available)

             The issuance of CPD certificate will be charged $100 for Non-HKISA members.


    Enrollment via Online Registration : http://regonline.activeeurope.com/safetyseminar20180622


    Enquiry: please send email to HKISA via hkisahk@yahoo.com.hk.


    Thank you.


    Stella Wong

    Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)

    Tel: 2332 9210

    Email: secretariat@hkfosha.org.hk

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKFOSHA


    The Member-Organizations of the Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)


    1.  The Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association (HKOSHA)


    2.  Society of Registered Safety Officers (SRSO)


    3.  The Hong Kong Registered Safety Auditors Association (HKRSAA)


    4.  The Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA) 


    5.  Construction Industry Safety-Management Association  (CISA)


    6.  The Society of Accredited Safety Auditor (SASA)


    7.  IOSH Hong Kong (IOSH HK)


    8.  The Institute of Safety and Health Practitioners  (ISHP)


  • FW: Hong Kong Green Awards 2018 Experience sharing seminar



    Dear member,


    We forward the following email from HKFOSHA regarding the subject award for your information.




    Johnny Shing


    Tel: (852) 2963 1572

    Fax: (852) 2258 0275

    mailto: johnny.shing@towngas.com


    From: Federation (HKFOSHA) Secretariat [mailto:secretariat@hkfosha.org.hk] 
    Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2018 5:41 PM
    To: Kwong Victor C.L.; YY; pang kwok lam; Shing Johnny W.L.; HKISA; YY Wong; Joseph Chi; chairman@ishp.org.hk; TANG Wai Hung; Michael Leung; KK Lee; Alvin YU; YU Pak Kuen; Yeung Chung Yuen; LO Hon Yeung, Andy; Yau-hing Lam; Steve Chan; IOSH(HK); duanecheung@hotmail.com; Ivan Lam; SASA_Membership; Daisy@HKOSHA Secretariat
    Subject: Hong Kong Green Awards 2018 Experience sharing seminar


    HKFOSHA Correspondence


    Dear Presidents / Chairmen,


    HKFOSHA, as one of the supporting organizations of the Green Awards 2018,  please disseminate the promotional email prepared by Green Council to members of your organziation for their attention. 


    The web link for the event as follows:


    For further information, please contact Green Council via email hkga@greencouncil.org.


    Thank you.


    Stella Wong

    Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)

    Tel: 2332 9210

    Email: secretariat@hkfosha.org.hk

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKFOSHA


    The Member-Organizations of the Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)


    1.  The Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association (HKOSHA)


    2.  Society of Registered Safety Officers (SRSO)


    3.  The Hong Kong Registered Safety Auditors Association (HKRSAA)


    4.  The Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA) 


    5.  Construction Industry Safety-Management Association  (CISA)


    6.  The Society of Accredited Safety Auditor (SASA)


    7.  IOSH Hong Kong (IOSH HK)


    8.  The Institute of Safety and Health Practitioners  (ISHP)




    Dear all Supporting Organizations of Hong Kong Green Awards,


    Please help dispatch below promotional email to your members, thank you.


    Should you need any further information, please contact me through email hkga@greencouncil.org.


    Best regards,

    Green Council
    Room 703, New World Tower 1,
    18 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
    Tel: (852) 2810-1122
    Fax: (852) 2810-1998


    View this email in your browser


    日期:2018615日和22 (星期五)
    時間:下午230分至5時正 (215分開始登記)
    地點:香港金鐘夏慤道18號海富中心 - 香港大學專業進修學院金鐘教學中心 2204
    語言 : 粵語輔以英語


     14:00 - 14:30


    14:30 - 15:00

    香港綠色企業大獎回顧  香港綠色企業大獎2018 簡介

    15:00 - 16:40


    16:40 - 17:00


  • 安全訊息Safety Message - Lifting Operation 將軍澳工地發生的一宗吊運事故 20180602



    Dear member,


    We forward the following email regarding the above subject from CIC for your information.











    建造業議會就近日一將軍澳發生的吊運有關的事故與有關的工會及各小組委員會相討後大家同意即時以電郵、Whatapps等 向所有會員發放以下訊息。


    ● 委任合資格人士就起重操作工序進行針對性的風險評估及制定起重操作計劃,尤其針對負荷物的大小、形狀和重量、吊運方法/索具裝配方法,以及工作環境所涉及的影響,找出所有影響起重操作工序安全的潛在危害;

    ● 委派一名合資格及具經驗的吊運督導人員監督起重操作以確保所有風險獲有效控制;

    ● 在合理切實可行範圍內盡量圍封所有吊運區,並展示適當的警告告示,以保障相關工人及其他可能受起重操作影響的人士的安全;若未能完全圍封吊運區,則須採取其他有效措施,例如委派足夠的看守員,確保無人擅自闖入吊運區;

    ● 確保指揮、懸掛及處理負荷物的所有工人,已接受有關索具使用/索具裝配原理的適當訓練,能挑選適合吊起負荷物的起重裝置和起吊方法/索具裝配方法;在起重操作進行時負荷物須安全穩固並且沒有滑脫或移位情況;及需確保沒有其他雜物,纏繞或堆積在負荷物其中而引起危險;

    ● 在正式進行起重操作前,吊運團隊應先進行試行吊運檢查,把負荷物吊起離地至一段合適距離及維持一段短時間,以確保起重機械和起重裝置及負荷物的平衡及穩定性;

    ● 有需要時提供備有帶鈎繩索或導繩,用以控制負荷物任何過度的擺動或轉動;同時起重操作的團隊需在起吊前檢查鈎繩索或導繩是處於安全位置及狀態,以確保該帶鈎繩索或導繩不會纏繞任何物件或身體部份而造成危險。

    ● 確保每一鏈條、纜索或其他起重裝置,在使用前已由合資格檢驗員測試及徹底檢驗,並取得按認可格式發出的證明書,而該名合資格檢驗員在證明書內已述明該鏈條、纜索或其他起重裝置均處於安全操作狀態;

    ● 確保起重機只由持有有效並適用於該起重機所屬種類的證書持有人操作,每當起重機操作員視野受阻,未能清晰看見負荷物及其附近範圍時,便須派駐訊號員;

    ● 為起重機操作員及參與起重操作的團隊提供足夠的資料、指導及訓練,以確保他們熟悉有關的安全施工程序及安全措施;以及

    ● 制定及實施有效的監督及管理制度,以確保上述所有的安全措施得以嚴格遵從



    以上只列出安全重點,詳細內容請參工廠及工業經營(起重機械及起重裝置)規例 及由建造業議會發出的安全提示-001/18 起重操作的安全(20181月)



    搭棚工搭竹棚 遭吊上半空「吊吊揈」


    Source: 蘋果日報



    另 閣下如有任何問題,歡迎隨時與本人聯絡。





    Angela YUENSenior Manager - Construction Safety
    38/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    Tel: (852) 2100 9031
    Fax: (852) 2100 9090

  • Total Workplace Safety and Health for Future of Construction and Asia Pacific OHS Training Conventio



    Dear member,


    The Society has received the following events information from The Singapore Institution of Safety Officers (SISO) Academy.


       -  28 Jun 2018 - Total Workplace Safety and Health for Future of Construction

       -  27 Aug 2018 - Asia Pacific OHS Training Convention


    Event leaflets are attached for your information.


    Please contact Ms. Isabella Yeo via email isabellayeo@siso.org.sg or at +65-67775185/+65-81132185 if you need more information.

  • Newly Released Work Safety Alert 最新公報的「職安警示」



    Dear Members,


    The Society has received a New Work Safety Alert from Labour Department for your information.






    如有任何查詢,請致電2852 4971 與本人聯絡。

    (邱浩德   代行) 

    Dear Sirs / Madams, 

    Fall from Upper Roof 

    The Labour Department has issued a newly released Work Safety Alert which is available in our website at 


    A copy of the Work Safety Alert is also attached for your reference. 

    We would appreciate if you could help disseminate the Work Safety Alert through your channels. 

    Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at 2852 4971. 

    Yours sincerely, 

    YAU Ho-tak 
    for Commissioner for Labour